Pasadena Independent School District

Multi-Campus – New Early Colleges
Amtech performed Building Envelope Consulting services for the new construction of the Early College Campuses at Sam Rayburn, South Houston and Memorial High Schools in Pasadena ISD. Amtech provided the initial evaluation of the combined 92,062 SF of the roofs, providing the costs estimation and worked with the district and general contractor on the final design. Once a scope of work was finalized, Amtech produced the construction documents and then assisted in obtaining Competitive Bids. After the best valued contractor was selected, Amtech provided full construction administration services through substantial completion and into the warranty phase.

New Dobie 9th Grade Center
Amtech conducted an initial site investigation, with full testing, reporting and cost estimating services for the 27,840 SF Dobie Center. Once a design was selected, Amtech produced the construction documents and corresponding review services. Amtech assisted the District through the bidding phase, and provided the pre-construction services. During construction, a designated construction administration professional from Amtech was on site to monitor all construction, through substantial completion.